
Mobile Home Movers of Alabama

If you are looking to move a singlewide or doublewide mobile home, our setup crew can help you relocate throughout much of Alabama. State certified installers and transporters, our experience and specialized equipment can get tough jobs done in a professional manner. We utilize the latest technologies to setup and install your home to meet all state and federal requirements. We can also relevel your home or update your anchoring system. We can tie down sheds and other outdoor buildings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you move my mobile home to another state?

No, probably not. But we do work with installers in other states and can help your moving project come together in many cases.

My house doesn’t have axles or tires, is that a problem?

No, we supply the tires and axles.

Can you move and setup my modular home?

No. We are not certified Modular Installers.

Can I pay you after the job is completed?

No. We need to be paid to get started.

What can I do to prepare for a move?

You can take the skirting down so that we can take a look at everything. If you are moving a double wide, you should remove the interior trim parts at the marriage line. We are not responsible for interior trim. Contact an A/C repair service to prep your A/C for transport. We do not reinstall A/C.